variation of tolerance

英 [ˌveəriˈeɪʃn ɒv ˈtɒlərəns] 美 [ˌveriˈeɪʃn əv ˈtɑːlərəns]

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  1. Variation of coleoptile length in winter wheat varieties under PEG simulated drought stress and its association with their drought tolerance
  2. Assembly variation must be calculated in the process of product design based on part tolerance, and it is assumed that the part is rigid in the process of assembly.
  3. The variation of temperature coefficient of resonator frequency with tolerance factor was discussed.
  4. The results indicated a significant genotypic variation of low phosphorus tolerance in the tested germplasm.
  5. Genetic Variation of Cold Tolerance Characters of Yunnan Rice Landraces at Indica and Japonica Rice Cropping Regions C-band polymorphism in tetraploid wheat ( Triticum turgidum) landraces from Qinghai and Gansu
  6. The variation of proline content, root activity and electrolyte leakage rate under critical low temperature and the variation of chlorophyll content and Fv/ Fm under low temperature and poor light are very important for study on the tolerance mechanism.
  7. This article represents some of the major aspects of abiotic stress research in barley including developmental genes, wild species/ landrace variation, and genetic mapping ( QTLs), and the research advance and current objectives in the use of molecular markers to abiotic stress tolerance.
  8. Study on genetic variation of tolerance to water stress of willow hybrids and clones
  9. The genetic variation of the Na+/ K+ in root and salinity tolerance rating were explained by both additive and dominant gene effects.
  10. Variation Analysis of the Glycemic Excursions in Siblings of Diabetes Mellitus with Normal Glucose Tolerance
  11. The variation of urinary β_2-microglobulin,α_1-microglobulin, transferrin and albumin in patients with impaired glucose tolerance
  12. Chapter three studies the geographical variation and change of Xuanhua dialect. From the difference analysis of disease tolerance, the differences of geographical variation were not obvious;
  13. Pot experiments were carried out to study the variation of cadmium tolerance and accumulation in 16 tobacco cultivars.
  14. Objective To study the variation of urinary microproteins in patients with impaired glucose tolerance ( IGT) for preventing the occurence of diabetes mellitus ( DM).
  15. Up to date, however, the genotypic and environmental variation of toxic heavy metal concentrations in rice grains and its mechanism remain poorly understood, thus hindering the progress of breeding and agronomic improvement in heavy metal tolerance and accumulation.
  16. The first part is to build the simplest model to describe the phenotype variation of bacterial drug tolerance.